Sweet Little Lies - Now a reality show celebrity, nineteen-year-old Jane Roberts learns that not all of her new friends are trustworthy.
The Warrior Heir - After learning about his magical ancestry and his own warrior powers, sixteen-year-old Jack embarks on a training program to fight enemy wizards.
The Wizard Heir - Sixteen-year-old Seph, a powerful wizard, gets caught up in a conflict between the Wizard Council, smaller groups with their own agendas, and a rogue politician--the Dragon--whose identity and whereabouts the others seek to know.
Fallout - Written in free verse, explores how three teenagers try to cope with the consequences of their mother's addiction to crystal meth and its effects on their lives.
Leapholes - Ryan Coolidge is a boy who hates middle school and who is in the worst kind of trouble, trouble with the law. The one person who can help Ryan is a mysterious and magical old lawyer named Hezekiah. Together, they do their legal research by zooming through "leapholes," physically entering the law books to come face to face with actual people who can help Ryan defend himself in court.
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